Yahya El Amaoui

I love to dig into customers' problems and solve them with modern technology. I create, scale, and optimize businesses' online presence. To accomplish this, I focus on delivering digital services with a customizable customer experience.

What I Do

UI/UX Design

I love solving problems by designing solutions and elegant product experiences for humans. I enjoy continually testing emerging tools and methods to find the most effective workflow.


Having Design-thinking Skills, allow me to create data-driven campaigns that translate well to goals. My gut instinct is good but I seek data for my decisions.


My Background in design and marketing empowers me to design user-centric experiences that convert. In addition to developing and implementing automated sales funnel.

Project Management

I approach both design and leadership with a focus on people, establishing empathy for the people who make and the people who use the products and services I help bring to life.




“Inspiration is difficult to measure, but the results driven by that inspiration are powerful.”
